Cape Cod Community Land Trust + Housing Land Bank Establishment Plans


Outwith Studio led a team to help the Cape Cod Commission plan for the launch of a regional Housing Land Bank and a Community Land Trust. The two types organizations serve missing but complementary roles in the housing ecosystem, and Outwith previously developed the recommendation in the Cape Cod Regional Housing Strategy to establish these entities on the Cape. This establishment planning process was focused on how these organizations could work for Cape Cod and how they should operate. Through extensive research and 13 stakeholder meetings, we developed a clear path forward for each organization. The final research and recommendation report is forthcoming, as well as draft nonprofit formation documents for the CLT, draft legislation to create the housing land bank, and a GIS-based real estate decision support tool for the each entity.

Outwith worked closely with organizational designers FMRA, planning and urban designers Utile, and land bank specialists Bricker Graydon throughout the process, and individual firms completed specific deliverables.